Ultimate upViral Stats – So much more!



My upViral Advanced Statistics show you so much more than what upViral itself has!

You can load the data during a campaign or after to see the full results.

Data is loaded manually since there’s no API to go get the data (yet)… but you get to see so much more about what’s working and what isn’t in your campaign.

We have 3 ways you can get the sheets…

A) Just get the first Sheet – $37

B) Get both sheets for $57

C) Grab both sheets PLUS agency rights so you can share your results with unlimited clients – $154 


As a bonus, all packages are set up so you join the WIN mothership (the free membership of the WINTogether experience) PLUS receive a free 15 module extended walk thru of upViral (my favorite tool for creating viral contests!)

Plus several other ebooks and case studies