WIN Together Experience


I know many who either own contest software like upViral or have been thinking of creating a viral contest to grow their business, but have yet to pull the trigger.

What they need is a good kick in the pants to get off the stick and get moving.

That’s what the WINTogether is all about!

This is a 6 week intensive experience and you’ll not only learn HOW to build a highly targeted email list and viral contest, you’ll ACTUALLY BUILD IT!

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Your email list is your #1 asset!

Nobody can take your list away! But you struggle growing it.

You’ve tried all the lead generation tricks you can think of, and you possibly even bought a viral contest tool. They sold you on going viral and getting 100k+ leads right?​

Well, the WIN Together Experience
is about to change all that for YOU.

Build your first contest
in 4 weeks and double your list!


Join WINTogether and I guarantee your next one will skyrocket and so will your email list!


    • About the WINTogether Experience
      • I know many who either own contest software like upViral or have been thinking of creating a viral contest to grow their business, but have yet to pull the trigger.
      • What they need is a good kick in the pants to get off the stick and get moving.
      • That’s what the WINTogether is all about!
      • This is a 6 week intensive experience and you’ll not only learn HOW to build a highly targeted email list and viral contest, you’ll ACTUALLY BUILD IT!
      • So many programs teach but do not help you implement and keep you accountable… this one does!
      • Starting 1st of every month, we’ll do planning and campaign creation… Around the 15th we’ll launch the campaigns… The 1st of the next month, we’ll start picking winners and do post mortems.
      • We’ll all find ways to promote each other (where it makes sense).
  • 3 Simple Steps:
    • STEP 1 — Planning
      • Time and time again, we’ve seen that without proper campaign planning, your giveaway will not do as well as it could.
    • STEP 2 – Implementation
      • Our advanced training will show you how to create great giveaway campaigns in upViral
    • STEP 3 – Post Mortem and Review
      • We’re going to work with each other to review and set up great follow up sequences to grow your sales from your new targeted leads
  • We’re NOT messing around!
    • We’re do WIN Together in about 6 weeks.​
    • Week 1:  Plan, Brainstorming and Peer Reviews 
    • Week 2: Campaign building in upViral with peer review
    • Weeks 3 and 4: Running the Contest – talking about stats and emails etc.
    • Weeks 5 and 6: Review of the campaign and next steps and email nurturing
    • Accountability is REQUIRED! If you’re not going to participate, DO NOT SIGN UP!
  • Work with the BEST!
    • planetMitch The list building success coach!
    • He’s run over 70 contests and consulted on a whole bunch more. Use him to grow your business and your bottom line!
  • WINTogether Includes:
    • ✅  group calls (recorded if you can’t make it)
    • ✅  co-promotion by others in the program (where appropriate)
    • ✅  3 Amazing bonuses
      • ✅ One Year Membership
        • Our membership (affectionately the “mothership”) is bursting at the seams with tools to simplify your journey.
        • Value $500
      • ✅ Full Implementation Checklist
        • The most complete checklist you can imagine taking you on the full journey from planning thru the nurturing
        • Value $197
      • ✅ Scripts and Samples
          • A bundle of sample images, lead pages, and email sequence scripts. Everything you need
          • Value $197
  • (Requires upViral purchase as well $59/mo unless you already are using it)
  • FAQs
    • You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!
    • Can the campaign be planned and built and executed in only a month?
      • A: Absolutely! The hard part is the planning and we’ve got great methods to help you understand your options and to get the campaign planned quickly.
    • What’s the Time commitment?
      • This is a serious program and we’re not messing around here… I’m going to hold your feet to the fire and we’re going to get it done! You’ll be expected to participate in the calls and to execute the homework.
    • How often will we meet and is this ‘hands on’?
      • You bet your bippy (look that phrase up if you don’t recognize it LOL) — we’re going to meet twice a week for the first two weeks to get the planning done and do reviews as well as building the campaigns and reviewing. This is INTENSE but you want to get your campaign done!
    • Do you guarantee our results?
      • Of course! But, it depends on you and what you put into it! Those who have completed the tasks and built their campaigns have had not only a bunch of new leads, but several have had new revenue at the same time!
    • But it is all totally up to you.